Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Wednesday afternoon in East Spring

Wednesday is the busiest day for the students in East Spring. With the teachers' Day coming up, the performing arts students are busy practising. Natasha Zamam, a choir student, said,"Since we are going to perform for Teachers' Day celebration, we are very busy with our practice. We even had increase our practices days of 2 to 3! Its tiring but Im sure I am able to make it as I have my choir members with me."
Other than that the asthetics group, the NCCs are also busy with an inter-competion and are practicing hard together. Terence Lim of 3E4 said" We are now rehearsing our routin for the competition. We need to co-operate with each other in order to for us to win the competition. A person is like chopstick. If there is one chopstick, it is easy to break but if there are alot of chopstick, it would not be easy to break. Teamwork is important for us to progress as a group." Other than the inter-competition, they also have orienting coming up!
The basketballers are also improving their skill by training together. Aizat from 1E2 said," It's tiring for us to continue training non stop. Its even hard now since its during the fasting month! But since we have each other to lean on, the burden on ourself is lesser."
Wednesday is indeed very busy day for us students!

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