Wednesday, August 10, 2011

National Day Dinner @ ESSS

Cheers of the Singapore Spirit were heard from East Spring Secondary as the Tampines East community had come down to celebrate this significant and prosperous event. The 4 hours long event was filled with fun pack performances from the neighboring schools of East Spring such as Tampines, Ping Yi, Ngee Ann and Pasir Ris. This event was made more important with the appearance of Mr Mah Bow Tan. As the purpose was to bring the residences together, a totally of 90 tables ocuupied ithe 10 seats each were set up to accommodate the attendees.

The emcees explained the meaning of Ramadan as they start the dinner at 7.17pm, the breaking of fast for the Muslims for that day.

Percussions from the Ping YI Secondary were heard as Mr Mah Bow Tan entered the venue for the event. The Uniformed Groups marched out with the Singapore flag as the concert Band starts playing. The recite of the pledge and National Anthem filled the Parade Square.

To kick start the event, a flash mob of Will you was taken place around the event area, creating an exciting aura as more people started to join in.

Before starting the presentation of the long service award, Mr Mah was invited to the stage to give a speech regarding the National Day which was only 3 days away.

The Choir from Pasir Ris Secondary started the event with a National Day song, Home. Dressed in brown and gold peranakan clothes , they took our breath away with their sweet and amazing harmonizing. The Chinese dance and Malay Dance from Tampines Seconday had us hypnotized with their elegant and graceful dance while the International Dance from Ngee Ann Secondary had our heart pumping loud with their modern Bolly Dance filed with strong and sharp moves.

Following on the event, a customized mini musical titled “To the Past and Future” featured Sam Sui women from old times to the new and energetic girls dancing and singing along to Nobody by the Wondergirls, a Korean-pop sensation.

Continuing with the stage programme , the performance of the Chinese Dance from East Spring Secondary had the audience mesmerized with their flawless Long Drum Dance which require endurance and practice, followed by a Malay dance from East Spring Secondary. The skeptical hip hop dance after that from the Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Association had us blown away.

A sing along session was held to get the audience engaged along with Mr Mah. The supporting audiences were enjoying the time as they stood up and wave their flags along to the rhythm of the music, singing to a total of 4 songs. A cake was cut to show that Singapore had aged a year and the birthday song was sung.

Unfortunately the Mr Mah had to leave. He managed to spare us a few minutes to interview.

“Fantastic! With the contribution from the neighboring schools and the leaders this event is certainly special.”

“I wish a happy National Day and good health throughout the years to all the residence.”

All good things come to an end. Before the event ended, a lucky draw was given. And each attendee was given a terrarium made by the students of East Spring and Ping YI as a door gift.

“The event was great!! Everyone participated making it more exciting.”
-Aysah and Hafiq from Grasswood

"It was tiring as we hand to practice for 1 and a half hour every Friday but it was worth it as we are able to do something for our country as a Singaporean."
-Sean and Hilmi from NCDCC

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Leadership Workshop

The selected secondary 3 student leaders were chosen to attend a Leadership workshop held at the Needlework room on the first day of Post-exam activities. The workshop, organized by Buzan World Organization, is to train the students to think skillfully and creatively.
There are 3 different types of creative thinking, mainly; Domain Thinking, Combinatory Thinking and Perspective Thinking. Domain thinking is about gathering everyone ideas into one; Combinatory thinking is generating different concepts and pairing them, so to think of a problem that can incorporate both concepts; and Perspective thinking is to generate ideas from various viewpoints that is related to the problem and solving it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

porfolio part 2

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Porfolio part 1

Racial Harmony Day!!
Every school in Singapore commemorate Racial Harmony day which falls on the 21 July each year to mark the racial riot that happened in Singapore in the 1964. It remind us of the the unfortunate incident in 1964 and that we should not make the same mistake. Like every school, East Spring Secondary had the students to wear traditional clothes of a diferent ethenic group and held a bazaar.
Every where we go, there is definately groups of students wearing traditional clothes. Students of different level and ethenic group opened up booths of their own ethic to show others their culture and the food that they eat. With that, what does the students have to say about it?
Siti Hajar of class 2N2 said "I feel that the Sec 4 and 1 were very enthusiastic about celebrating Racial Harmony Day as they were really trying hard to sell their food.I think the school should let the student wear flip flops, jeans, bermudas and other casual clothes. I hope that the school would organise this event again next year."
While Karen Ong fo 2E4 said "I feel that the school had really made a good decision on having this event to promote Racial Harmony day as it has a singnificant value and also making the students be actively be apart of the event enable the students be more aware of this meaningful day."

Having to host an important event is definately an honour to Singapore. With Y.O.G around the corner, we definately need the basic knowledge of it! The Y.O.G is an inaugural sporting event and is celebrated in the tradition of Olympic Games. . It is planned to be held every four years. Singapore is the very first country to host the event and it is held from 14th August to 26th August 2010. 3600 athletes, between the aged 14 to 18, from different countries will compete in 184 events and 26 sports for the Games. Seemes like there will be non-stop action till the 27th of August!

ESSS has done it again!
Having to comemorate Total Defence day, East Spring seconday had make a creditable record of making the largest Singapore map by using unwanted clothes on the 17th of February.
Givning thier best, everyone did their part to collect unwanted clothes.
To make the Sinagpore map, each and everyone of the students along with the parent support group, East Spring Primary School, the school staff and the almunknights, had to stand under the scorching sun just to make sure that the map is correctly formed. Not forgeting to mention the enthusiasment of each and everyone of them in singing the national anthem.
Thanks to this event, it bring the school something to be prod of and also create bond between not just the East Springians but the other groups of people that came to witness the event. There will be definately new events to look up to in the future.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NUDE: Dignity from within

This picture depicts the drink vendor at my school in East Spring Secondary. Even after a whole day working at the vendor, she is still able to give us a smile.

This picture depits the security guard at my school in East Spring Secondary. Only a minority of Singaporean wants to be a security guard as they think that only people of a lower social class works but actually, without thhe security guards in our schools, condominiums and other such places, we can never be safe. Even when it was late in the evening, he is still working hard for the security of the school.

Teachers play an important role in each and one of our lives. Be it old or young. They are the ones who bring us where we are.They equip us with skill to use in the "real" world. With their teaching of not just education but also holistic developement, we are able to come to where we are now. They mould us into a better person. Becoming a teacher is something but being a teacher is another. I always wonder how teachers are able to put up with all the students' complains and stubborness. But just like what my teacher said,"Being a teacher was never an easy job but seeing our students succeed, it never fails to make a smille on my face."